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In the Light(ness) of Being – Lalitha Lajmi, Latika Katt and Rekha Rao
Woman – ‘Prakruti’
Holding life in her womb
Making the move
Awakening the consciousness
To mould the lump
Into a life…
…. And that is the story of her life. On surface it is giving life and running the show but in reality a woman holds much more that she pours in creating life. Only she has the capacity to allow this flow and keep the flux on. Today the same woman has revealed her larger role reaching out to the shores of other planets, making policies for better humanities, creating new models in science, expanding horizons while she stands as a pillar to her children, her man, her friend, her companion and show them models to conquer mountains.They say that had the humankind be nurtured by a woman, we could have avoided the wars and the present world would have been more habitable, peaceful, happier and caring for Mother Nature. Let us come together to share this immense power of woman who does not want a world for herself but for everyone, for progress, for joy and peace.
We invite you to participate to express this world of strength and beyond.