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The Little Hunchback
Child Is The Father Of Man…..As we invest in our children, so shall we reap as a nation with a citizenry that will be responsible and sentient. Exposing children to good art is known to bear results that go a long way.
Since the last two years, Neekoee Foundation collaborates with Ranga Shankara for the AHA! Theatre Festival for Children, and brings it to Ahmedabad. Top quality performers across the world have captured the children’s imagination here in our city.
The Programme for AHA! Festival 2019
Date: 15 -21 July 2019
Countries to present plays:
Age Specific Theatre:
Each of the plays to be showcased at this festival caters to a specific age group. We believe that the capacity of a child to receive and absorb artistic impulses is decided by the age of the child. Hence, we create and invite and showcase age specific theatre.
The children from different schools will get the opportunity to watch these performances and also underprivileged students would get the opportunity to experience this. Approximately 5000 children will see these performances.
High quality:
We believe that …..More than anyone else…. Children deserve to be exposed to the best Art. In keeping with this, the content and treatment of every creation that is brought under the AHA! Umberella is carefully curated.
The aim of this festival:
World over, we talk of child being the future of man and yet when we need to equip our children with a multi layered understanding of the modern global citizen, we fail miserably. We teach them through rote what they either goggle or have no use for. Instead, this festival aims to make learning fun through a medium that is perfect for them, and yet lies underutilized…..THEATRE.
Theatre is more than stage, light and performances. It develops the thought process and drives us to more creative imaginations. Workshops and talks would also be a part of this festival, which later on will be part of our ongoing activities.